Hell Bound City Tattoos Take their job seriously

Here's more on the topic.http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/cultist/2010/08/highway_to_hell_hellbound_city.php …
Nick Sundberg

It starts up with Mt. Olympus, the middle section is Earth, and the bottom is the Underworld. You've got Zeus, Hector, Achilles, Hercules, Hades, Ares ... quite a bit going on. …
Bringing the dead back to life

Many people have extinct animals tattooed in their bodies but not everyone notice it. Some people think extinct animals are strictly dinos and never realize there's more to it than a reptile. Here are some examples of those who are no longer with us. …

This is the type of tattoo that the person wearing it proudly displays. The detail, style and artistry of its creator can be well appreciated. …
Girly sleeves, why not?

In our society there is a group of people with a lack of knowledge about the Tattooed Community and they simply can't picture in their minds anything related to tattoos and have a misconception (perhaps they're just intimidated by the aggressiveness) of tattoo enthusiasts and still in 2010 I believe…
Someone knows what the hell this is? Mistakes when getting a Tattoo

Unfortunately there are people who do not learn at all and this is an example of the consequences and the result of the flea market type tattoo or simply followed a recommendation from someone who don't know shit about what means to be an artist and just want to make a bit of money. Maybe the person…
The geekiest tattoo to date.
Tattoos that stand out.

Previously, I talked about the importance of quality when it comes to getting a tattoo. A tattoo might a tattoo but what makes the difference between and and the other is the artistic quality, that includes who the artist is and the artistic detail and style that uses this person to perform a creati…
Vintage Delight
17Aug2010Dragon Tattoo
Dragons have their different meanings depending on culture. Whether deities of China, Japan, or India. Today can be seen in many different ways on tattooed people and it can have a personal or symbolic meaning.It's amazing the creativity that an artist can have the time to give free rein to create w…
Rihanna really loves her Ink.

Once again she was spotted at a NYC Tattoo Parlor going for the good stuff.…
Tattoos inspired by Horror movies

In our childhood perhaps we were a bit scared, but over time those characters have become a classic that still make our imagination run free and unlimited. It is the reason why they remain in our minds and many people choose to have them in their bodies permanently. It's fun to see people with this…
Japanese half sleeve Tattoo

They not only look awesome, it also require someone with plenty of knowledge and experience to portray the essence of the Japanese Tattoo art in its true art form. Here's a short video…